~400 MW / 4 hour , Western Australia
Merredin Big Battery (MBB)
The 100MW 4-hour Merredin Big Battery (MBB) Project site is located approximately 7.5km south-west of the town of Merredin which is approximately 230 km east of Perth in the West Australian Wheatbelt. The 4-hour Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) will provide valuable support to the grid network and contribute to enhancing security of supply in the Western Electricity Market. The site is 4km south of the Great Eastern Highway along the Bruce Rock – Merredin Road and is adjacent to the Merredin Solar Farm to the southeast.
MBB is a joint development between Nomad Energy (Nomad) and Atmos and the project secured Development Approval in April 2024.
Procurement for the main construction contracts is advanced and we are anticipating of commencing construction in Q2 2025 with the BESS being bought into commercial operation in late 2026.
The Grid Connection will be provided by Western Power with the project connecting into the Transmission Substation at Western Power’s adjacent Merredin Terminal Station.
The project is expected to create 40-50 direct jobs during construction and up to 3-5 permanent jobs during its operating life, delivering significant economic value to the local region.
Key Project Info
Status: Late-Stage Development
Asset: Battery Storage
Capacity: 100MW/ 4 hour
Location : Merredin, WA
Local Council: Merredin
Traditional Owners: Njaki Njaki Nyoongar people
Partners: Nomad Energy


The MBB will bring a positive economic contribution to the region by:
- Collaborating with First Nations stakeholders to create opportunities for First Nations businesses in the areas of procurement, training, employment, and tourism services
- Creating between 40-50 direct jobs during the construction period with peak workers at site expected to reach 100 people.
- Providing opportunities and encouraging local businesses, individuals, suppliers to register their interest in supplying goods and services for consideration by Atmos or our main contractors.
- Creation of up to 3-5 permanent jobs during the operational life of the battery.
MBB is committed to establishing a voluntary, long-term Community Benefit Fund that provides financial support for a range of community-based initiatives, projects and events that benefit local communities. The program aims to target a range of community needs including; health and social welfare, safety, environment, education and youth, sport and recreation, culture, arts and economic development. The Community Benefit Fund will be activated during the first full year of commercial operation of the project.
Local Contractor and Supplier Opportunities
We have a robust local engagement strategy and is committed to creating jobs for local people and engaging with Indigenous and local suppliers. Whether it’s earthworks, infrastructure, building contractors, machinery operators and engineering, or accommodation, administration, catering, freight and cleaners – a number of skills and suppliers will be required during the construction phase of the project.
The proposed project will be delivered for and on behalf of Atmos via ‘main contractors’. The main contractors will be responsible for subcontracting a range of skills and suppliers. As part of our key objectives for the project, Atmos will continue to work closely with its main contractors to ensure the delivery and quality of opportunities for local and First Nations peoples and suppliers.
We encourage local suppliers, businesses and job seekers to register their details if you would like to be included in opportunities to supply goods and services for consideration by our main contractors.
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