Our Community
Engagement Approach
Our projects span decades. So, we work with communities across each phase of a project to build trust and make a material difference for residents and landowners.

- Understand the community
- Raise awareness of the project within the community
- Actively seek feedback from the community on key issues, ideas and concerns that need to be considered in the project design and planning application
- Support stakeholders and the community to view the planning application and make submissions
- Create job opportunities and engage local businesses for procurement needs
- Engage with, and provide advanced notice to local businesses, residents and road users about major works construction activities
- Establish a transparent complaints management process
- Support the local economy and community through sponsorship and community benefit funds
- Work with local businesses to share the benefit of the project with local communities through contracts and employment with our service providers.
- Respect the land we operate on through proactive engagement with the communities including the traditional land owners to maximise the integration of agricultural and best practice land management with generation.
Our Commitment
to You
Atmos is committed to engaging transparently with communities throughout the project lifecycle to ensure we always understand and can prioritise local community needs.
Commitment to Transparency
Atmos is committed to transparent collaboration with local communities. We provide clear details on project plans, site selection criteria, and environmental impact assessments, ensuring you are informed and have a voice in decision-making.
Collaborative Engagement
We believe in early and authentic engagement at every step of our project’s lifecycle. Your input shapes our planning, construction and ongoing operations and helps us to identify opportunities which have a compounding positive impact in identifying beneficiaries for community benefit funds.
Driving Social and Economic Opportunity
Atmos is dedicated to enhancing your community’s well-being and prosperity. Our projects create jobs, enhance workforce diversity, stimulate economic growth, support local businesses, and improve essential infrastructure, providing tangible benefits that empower your community.

Community Benefits & Sponsorship Programs
Atmos Renewables supports the communities around our projects in various ways including community benefit funds and sponsorship opportunities.
Communities can apply for grants through formal processes or request sponsorship for a worthy cause or event in the local area.
Community FAQs
Community engagement is an ongoing process of mutual listening and sharing of information between project developer and the host community through all stages of a project’s lifecycle. This can be via one on one conversations, newsletters, a webpage, radio updates and community sessions.
A project developer can gain valuable insights from the community, such as local perspectives, historical flood events, regional workforce capabilities, biodiversity concerns, and challenges that may benefit from grants or investments. In return, the community can learn about the development process, how construction and operational impacts are managed, and potential local employment and procurement opportunities.
Atmos is a signatory of the Clean Energy Council’s Best Practice Charter (https://cleanenergycouncil.org.au/news-resources/best-practice-charter) and engages in accordance with the Community Engagement Guidelines. This means that we strive to engage early, to be respectful, responsive and transparent. Above all, we recognise that communities existed before the project, will live with the project until after the end of it’s operational life. While we are experienced developers we often lack the deep regional knowledge that the community holds and require a period of active listening and learning.
Our team of experienced developers consider wind and solar resource as well as constraints such as setbacks to houses, slope and ground conditions, flood overlays and areas of cultural heritage or biodiversity sensitivity. In all circumstances we are limited by proximity to an existing or proposed substation or power line with capacity to export the power we generate or store to the Electricity Market.
Traditional Owners have been long term custodians of the land, holding a deep spiritual connection and profound knowledge of its history and unique characteristics. As with any landowner, we believe in early and transparent engagement and strive to establish trusted long term relationships.
Please contact us on info@atmosrenewables.com.au for more information about any of our projects