~400 MW / 4 hour , Queensland
Teebar Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
Teebar BESS is located adjacent to Powerlink’s Teebar Creek substation in central Queensland, ~60km west of the township of Maryborough. The BESS is anticipated to have a capacity of 400 MW / 1600 MWh and provide up to 4 hours of energy storage.
A BESS project at Teebar Creek will ensure that forms of clean renewable energy can be captured, stored, and distributed to the Fraser Coast region from a central location to assist during periods of peak consumer demand or periods of low solar and wind generation.
Key Project Info
Status: In Development
Asset: Battery Storage
Capacity: 400MW/4 hour
Location: Teebar Creek, Qld
Local Council: Fraser Coast Regional Council
Traditional Owners: Kabi Kabi people
Partners: 100% Atmos Renewables


The Teebar BESS will bring significant economic activity to the Fraser Coast Regional Council area.
- A peak workforce of approximately 100 – 150 jobs will be generated during construction
- 2 full time ongoing operational jobs
- Employment and procurement opportunities for local residents and businesses
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Local Contractor and Supplier Opportunities
We have a robust local engagement strategy and is committed to creating jobs for local people and engaging with Indigenous and local suppliers. Whether it’s earthworks, infrastructure, building contractors, machinery operators and engineering, or accommodation, administration, catering, freight and cleaners – a number of skills and suppliers will be required during the construction phase of the project.
The proposed project will be delivered for and on behalf of Atmos via ‘main contractors’. The main contractors will be responsible for subcontracting a range of skills and suppliers. As part of our key objectives for the project, Atmos will continue to work closely with its main contractors to ensure the delivery and quality of opportunities for local and First Nations peoples and suppliers.
We encourage local suppliers, businesses and job seekers to register their details if you would like to be included in opportunities to supply goods and services for consideration by our main contractors.