489 MW, Western Australia
Parron Wind Farm
Atmos Renewables has partnered with Parron Developments in 2024 to develop the Parron Wind Farm.
The Parron Wind Farm is located north of the Badgingarra National Park, approximately 200km north of Perth in the north-eastern wheatbelt region of Western Australia.
The Parron Wind Farm will have up to 79 wind turbine generators (WTGs) capable of producing up to 489MW. The area encompasses ~8,400ha of agricultural land and the site is exposed to some of the best wind capacity factors in the southern hemisphere.
Key Project Info
Status: In Development
Asset: Wind
Capacity: 489 MW
Location: Badgingarra, WA
Local Council: Shire of Dandaragan
Traditional Owners: Yued
Partners: Parron Developments


The Parron Wind Farm will bring significant economic activity to the region.
Economic Benefits
- At peak construction, there will be a construction workforce of approximately 400 employees, along with 15 – 20 ongoing skilled operational and maintenance roles for an estimated 30 years during wind farm operation.
- Localised workforces will be prioritised where possible throughout the project’s development.
- Diversified income for wind farm host landowners
Community Benefit Fund
A Community Benefit Fund will be developed for the project to deliver broader social and economic benefits aimed at supporting regional livability in the Shire of Dandaragan and the north-eastern wheatbelt.
Whilst most community benefit activities will take place once the project is operational, Parron Wind Farm has proactively partnered with Growth Hunting to deliver the ‘Growing Leaders’ program at the WA College of Agriculture in Cunderdin for the next 3 years. This program helps support students to reach their full potential and equip them with the skills that lead to high performance, resilience and grit.

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Local Contractor and Supplier Opportunities
We have a robust local engagement strategy and is committed to creating jobs for local people and engaging with Indigenous and local suppliers. Whether it’s earthworks, infrastructure, building contractors, machinery operators and engineering, or accommodation, administration, catering, freight and cleaners – a number of skills and suppliers will be required during the construction phase of the project.
The proposed project will be delivered for and on behalf of Atmos via ‘main contractors’. The main contractors will be responsible for subcontracting a range of skills and suppliers. As part of our key objectives for the project, Atmos will continue to work closely with its main contractors to ensure the delivery and quality of opportunities for local and First Nations peoples and suppliers.
We encourage local suppliers, businesses and job seekers to register their details if you would like to be included in opportunities to supply goods and services for consideration by our main contractors.