112 MW, South Australia
Hornsdale Wind Farm Stage 3
Hornsdale Wind Farm Stage 3 is located approximately 8km north of Jamestown in the area originally inhabited by the Ngadjuri and Nukunu peoples. It consists of 35 x 3.2MW turbines and is connected to the 275kV Mt Lock substation via 33kV feeder cables.
Atmos Renewables supports Horsndale Wind Farm Stage 3’s long-term community benefit fund that ensures $40,000 is made available to the local community each year. Details of the process to apply for the community benefit fund can be found here. Details of past recipients can be found here.
For more information please go to the Hornsdale Wind Farm website here.
Key Project Info
Status: Operational
Asset: Wind
Capacity: 112MW
Location: Jamestown, SA
Local Council: Northern Areas Council
Traditional Owners: Nukunu people
20% Atmos Renewables
80% Neoen

Community Benefits & Sponsorship Programs
Atmos Renewables supports the communities around our projects in various ways including community benefit funds and sponsorship opportunities.
Communities can apply for grants through formal processes or request sponsorship for a worthy cause or event in the local area.
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