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Landowners are our partners. We work hand-in-hand with our landholders at every stage of a project, from early investigation, through project development, construction, and during operations.

All renewable energy projects need to be located near existing or planned transmission lines to reduce the cost of connecting the project to the grid. Good road access is also a common requirement for all renewable energy projects.

Wind energy projects require high average wind speeds and enough space that turbines can be located away from populated areas to minimise noise and visual impacts. They also need to be located some distance from sensitive wildlife habitats, especially for birds and bats, which can be impacted by operational turbines.

Solar farm projects require high solar irradiance, flat or slightly sloped predominately cleared land to reduce potential environmental impacts.

Large-scale battery projects also require flat or slightly sloped, predominately cleared land. Sites are ideally located outside of flood prone and bushfire risk zones.

Landowner FAQs

All renewable energy projects need to be located near existing or planned transmission lines to reduce the cost of connecting the project to the grid. Good road access is also a common requirement for all renewable energy projects.
Wind energy projects require high average wind speeds and enough space that turbines can be located away from populated areas to minimise amenity impacts. They also need to be located some distance from senstive wildlife habitats, especially for birds and bats, which can be impacted by operational turbines.
Solar farm projects require high solar irradiance, flat or slightly sloped, predominately cleared land to reduce potential environmental impacts.
Large-scale battery projects also require flat or slightly sloped, predominately cleared land. Sites are ideally outside of flood prone and bushfire risk zones.

Landholders who lease their land to renewable energy developers earn a consistent, long-term steady income which provides financial security and stability. This is especially attractive for some rural or agricultural landholders whose income is highly dependent on climatic conditions.

Managing impacts to landholder land during development involves good engagement with landholders early and often in the planning process. The majority of impacts experienced by a landholder are during the construction period. During construction a Construction Environmental Management Plan is prepared that outlines the control measures to be implemented. These include:

  • Construction schedule and hours of work
  • Regular project updates and methods of communication with landholders and neighbours
  • Monitoring requirements for construction activities
  • Management measures to control noise and dust
  • Biosecurity measures to be implemented

Renewable energy projects bring a wealth of benefits to local communities. These projects create jobs during construction and operation, foster local employment opportunities and stimulate business growth as nearby services cater to the workforce. Additionally, projects often involve local road upgrades and community benefit funds provide support to local community groups and funding for improved infrastructure.

A Biosecurity Management Plan will be established for each project that establishes stringent cleaning protocols for vehicles, equipment, and personnel to prevent the introduction or spread of pests and diseases. Restricted access zones may be designated around sensitive areas and regular monitoring of sites is undertaken during construction to detect and resolve any emerging biosecurity issues quickly.

Major construction projects can disrupt daily farming operations. During this time, livestock may need to be relocated away from construction zones, and the delivery of materials and machinery for renewable energy projects can lead to increased traffic on local roads. Increased noise and dust is also common during the construction period.  To address these challenges, management plans are created in collaboration with landholders and regulators to ensure impacts are mitigated and open lines of communication are maintained throughout the construction process


During the operation of a renewable energy project landholders can expect:

  • Routine maintenance and inspections of equipment
  • Environmental management such as landscaping, weed and vegetation control
  • Ongoing community engagement

Landholders will be engaged in discussions regarding the decommissioning plan and restoration activities. During decommissioning, landholders will experience increased traffic and temporary disruptions to their farming activities as equipment is removed and the land returned to its original state.

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Let’s explore how Atmos can maximize the potential of your land while contributing to a cleaner, brighter future. Reach out to us today to begin the conversation.